
January 01, 2015

Happy New Year!

I wish all of you a very HAPPY NEW YEAR and hope that all of you had a very merry christmas. Hopefully all of you had some nice family-time and nice holiday in general.

For me it was the first time relaxing and sleeping in, just doing nothing, except a bit of homework and studying since October. If you didn't know it, I started to study East Asian Art and Japan Studies in early October. Ever since then I hadn't really time for myself nor for the blog. While I didn't plan on any resolutions I hope that I'll be able to manage my studies and writing my blog again. I also plan on reading some more this year.

Also I plan on catching up with some post, like concerts, my travel to Japan and the Harry Potter exhibition in Cologne, and preparing some book reviews. I hope I come up with some I actually like and will post. I know I shouldn't be so strict with myself, but I tend to ignore my own advice.

Wish you all the best for this new new year and wish you all luck to be able to keep up with you resolutions if you prepared some.

Hope to see you all around.

Best wishes,