Today is a day I cherish a lot and I think I will do it forever. It's one of the days which changed a lot and why I am like I am now.
You have to know that this was my first favourit band ever (after The Kelly Family - but I was so young back then) and with that a lot started to change me. It was that time my black phase started or kinda started, because just this summer, even before I knew of this special band, I started to wear black and black nail polish and everything. But from this time on I got asked a lot of stupid and annoying questions about my clothing style, my make up and what not.
But let's put that aside! With this day my addiction for concerts started and from this day on I went to a lot more. Sometimes 12 or more in a year, several in a month. My music addiction started all over and I needed every album, every single, just every concert in Berlin from this band.
It might be a little surprise for some, because like almost everyone always thinks I'm super addicted to Japan related things and sure, it's true. But there is this one small country up in the north, which will stay in my heart forever and ever. It's Finland! Yep, I really mean Suomi - Finland! Not only that my all time favourite band is from that country but everything else, too. I actually really love the language, even though I can't understand a word. It just sounds so lovely and a bit funny. Also it's a really beautiful country!
I know there are a lot of awesome finnish bands, but there is only one I really love and will love forever!
It's THE RASMUS! I can't even tell you why, it's just that their music was always by my side for already ten years and I never felt like this for a band. It never was something special to me and with them it changed. Just everything changed!
Not only my style, just me. I got a little bit more confident in myself otherwise I would have never become a vegetarian. Yeah that's nearly ten years, too now. I stared doing things I never did, I also got a few friends because of this band. Even when I lost them again after a few years, but others stayed and that is what counts. I started using social networks, like the official The Rasmus forum and myspace and a bit later I started out with my first blog. I totally failed it, because I never knew what to write and just stayed at the one I had on myspace.
It also was the time I finally knew how the internet works and that I can actually find "everything" on there.
I also turned in some fangirly, but never in such a weird screaming one. XD My walls were plastered all over with The Rasmus posters and I actually really collected all those stupid magazines and the articles. I still have the articles in a folder and I like to flip through them and remember the "good old times".
Sometimes it's just so endlessly funny how stupid some people were (I actually referring to that one special person) and how stupid I was. But luckily I was a bit more realistic and able to differentiate between love and "love" and such things, at least I think I was able to. XD""""
And yeah I totally had a crush first on Lauri, but than I really started to hate him, I was so annoyed from all this hype around him that I couldn't stand hearing his name and seeing him. I even threw things on his posters. XD""" But my super crush came with Aki and you can see I always have the crush on the drummers. I can't live without them. X///D I'm totally honest here!!!! And it's still that I hate it when people only see Lauri as The Rasmus, they are f*** four, FOUR people and I love them all! I will always love this band and their music. FOREVER AND EVER!
That's why I'm sitting here, writing this
I still remember that day, too. It was the first time I ever saw a recorded video from a concert I attended and I sat there with my friend right in front of the screen and starred at it with tears in the eyes and goosebumps all over my body.
I even remember the way back from that concert. XD" Gosh! How embarrassing to think about it. X////D The mom of my friend picked us up and we had to go by Ubahn and Sbahn back home. Stupid invention of walkmans and discmans, because we listened to The Rasmus songs the whole time, sat on the ground and sang a long. All of this on a sound level you wouldn't like as a normal passenger. X////D
But the most important thing is the fact how I got the concert tickets which changed my life so much! Since it was more or less a spontaneous decision to go there and I never went on my own (without parents) to a concert before, I was super late with the tickets and it was already sold out. But since we're listening to Radio Fritz at home, a program directed to younger people, I had the chance of winning the tickets. And guess what happened one day before the concert! Right, while I was at piano lessons (yes I took some, but can't play a thing XD") my sister won some. I came home and first she tried to be all sad and I totally fell for it. XD" But than she came running and screaming and everything was perfect, because she really won the last tickets for this concert!!!
From this on I never missed a TR concert in Berlin and I went to every tour they had here.
With that it now are 10 years, 9 tours, 10 concerts, 9 albums, 10 singles, 2 dvds, a couple of t-shirts, totes and a lot of magazines, posters, articles and saved pictures, an autograph and a photo with Aki and one with Lauri. I even recorded the cds on cassettes to listen to them on my walkman and spend a lot of time in the forum.
I was that band and that band was me and still today it's a big part of me even when I'm not that obsessed with them anymore. They will always have a special place in my heart!
With that I wish you a wonderful night and a
Happy 10 Years of my 1st The Rasmus concert!
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today's outfit is all to celebrate the 10 years I love this band ♥♥♥♥ |