
August 22, 2017

『JULY BOOK HAUL』More new books for my overly full shleves~

Another month another book haul.

I don't know how I did it, but somehow I acquired nine printed books, six e-books and three audiobooks during July.

For August I want to try to not buy books, except I already pre-ordered them. I hope I can do this. The only thing I'm allowed to buy, except pre-orders are the next volumes in a Manga series, but only when they get released in the month, so no already released volumes, even though I don't own them yet.

Keep reading if you're interested in what I got in July.

Print books

1) Lord of Shadows - Cassandra Clare
Needed to get it because it's pretty and I wanted it. XD" No, seriously, I just wanted it and I'm really glad I was able to find it for a reasonable price online. Now only Lady Midnight is left to hunt down in this edition. ~

2) Because You love to hate Me - edited by Ameriie
To be honest I couldn't even remember that I pre-ordered it until it suddenly arrived at my door. Oops~

3) Glimmernächte - Beatrix Gurian
This book crossed my part so often, I can't even count it. It intrigued me because it's so pretty. And I really got interested in the plot. Also this is in German, so I can finally challenge myself again to read more in my mother language.

4) The Crane Wife - Patrick Ness
Had to buy a birthday present and it was a book, so I decided to get one myself. Also this sounds so interesting. I can't wait to dive into it.

5) The Bronze Key - Cassandra Clare & Holly Black
Pre-ordered it a while ago, because I'm sticking with the paperback edition. But I still haven't started the series.

6) Perfume Master - Kaori Yuki
Thought I add this to my used books order. The thing is that I only noticed that I already own this when I put it onto my shelves. >.>

7) Die Legende von Aang - Dave Roman
Don't even know how long I wanted that and I finally got it. Actually I'm trying to get everything Avatar related in graphic novel/manga/comic form.

8) Tokyo Ghoul:re Vol. 4 - Sui Isshida
Now that I've finished Tokyo Ghoul, I want to dive back into the world and immediately start with :re.

9) Attack on Titan Vol.19 - Hajime Isayama
Because it's SnK and I'm going to read the whole series one day. Even though I'm stuck at around Vol.7 or so.


1) The Three-Body Problem - Cixin Liu
I passed that book so often in the bookstore now. So finally I got it, also I got it on prime day for free. I AM SO EXCITED to read it.

2) When Dimple met Rishi - Sandhya Menon
Everyone is raving about it and I'm in a weird contemporary mood, so I decided to get it.

3) Frost Blood - Elly Blake
Also really excited to start this one soon. 

4) Three Dark Crowns - Kendare Blake
Ever since it released I was interested in this one. So finally I got it.

5) The long way to a small angry Planet - Becky Chambers
Another one I was immediately interested in and finally got. 

6) Rebel of the Sands - Alwyn Hamilton
Finally got it and I'm going to read it soon.


1-3) The Jewel, The White Rose, The Black Key - Amy Ewing
I don't even now why I got these, but I kind of wanted to listen to something different, and that's exactly what I got. XD 

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