Now I will tell you a bit about my christmas trip to Austin/ Texas. I was there to visit my sister. She is an Au pair and she's there nearly seven month. So I visited her on christmas and it was a wonderful time.
My flight was going on 24th of December in the morning. My first flight was from Berlin-Tegel to Frankfurt. I should stay there three hours, but it used to be five. It was horrible, because I haven't slept the nigth before.
After waiting five hours we started and it took us ten hours to arrive in Washington/ Dullas. Before I had three hours time to organize myself but after two hours delay I had only one hour in Washington.
I had to enter the USA with passportcontroll an I had to go through the customs with my luggage. After that I had half an hour to find the right gate but first I had to pass the securitycheck.
Through the half airport and I got to "my" gate. Called my mom and she called my sister to say her it's alright.
After a two and a half hour freezing cold flight I arrived at Austin Bergstrom.
Had to go nearly through the whole airpot, got to a stair, went downstairs and there she was. My 'lil sister, her hostdad and grandma and grandpa. The two of them arrived a half hour before me, so they have to wait.
All of them were very excited and all of them hugged me and were very friendly.
So we snached up my luggage and went to the big, big car of Tom. Secured all the luggage and set off. The ride took half an hour! It was nearly 22.30 on 24th of december.
Arrived at Woodland Hills Trail and got inside. Susan was waiting and she jumped of the couch and hugged her parents and me. she was very excited too.
Krissy and I had to go upstairs to get to her room. We had to wrap some presents for the next day and we had to put the candies in the stockings.
All in all we need a lot of time. Went to bed at one o'clock in the nigth. we had to get up at 07.30, because at eight should start the gift giving.

Tom, Ryan, Susan at Christmasmorning (25th of Dec)

Our stockings after the gift giving.

The christmastree

The second tree, abvoe the front door.

Total chaos after the gift giving, we got a lot of presents.

more mess/ some of my presents

Ryan is watching his new DVD. Ice Age III - The dawn of the dinosaur

more of the mess we left

a lot of presents. It's all Ryans!

The desk for dinner

Pumkinmuffins, yummy

peperminticecream for icecreampie. But the chocolatechip-icecream-pie was much better <3

the view from above

trying out Krissys new camera

grandpa is building up the Disney-Monrail for Ryan.

next day (26th of Dec) was special low shopping and all the girls (Susan, grandma, Krissy and I) had to go to the Mall.
Krissy wanted a pic with this on. It's in Hollister!

on the way home, in Susans car

talking to mom and dad via Skype

after the talk we went out for dinner. We were at a chinese restaurant.
Grandma, Ryan, Grandpa
On 27th we went with the hole Family to the cinema, but first we went out for lunch. We went to the Cheescakefactory.
I had a pizza and for dessert Krissy and i got a Cheescake. It so yummy. I really love it!
After lunch we went to the cinema and watched Disneys "The Princess and The Frog".
After all Grandma and Grandpa had to left for the airport. susan brought them and Krissy, Tom, Ryan and I went home.
At the evening Krissy and i met up with Sabine, another Au pair, at Starbucks.

my hot chocolate

waiting for Sabine

Krissy is trying out her camera once more

finally Sabine arrived

Krissy is pround of her new JACOBbottel

On 28th we went to the plateau of Austin. There you have a beautiful view.


it was really sunny

a bit green

more of the sun

the bridge of Austin

really like this pic

had to climb thts up and down


on the other side of the plateau were some christastrees

at the plateau


Krissy had to take a pic of the shadow

the moon alredy showed up

random pic

just the japanese way

on the way home

there we saw this bus "Happy holidays"

on the evening we went to Lindas hous for a small christmasparty.
All the Au pairs and Lindas boyfriend.
Okay that's all for now. I don't know when I can upload the rest, but I will.
It will bw about the playdates and Seaworld in San Antonio. So be excited. ^^
Okay, have to leave now, have to go to bed.
I'm really tired...
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