On 4th of december me and my family went to the christmasmarket at Alexanderplatz, but before we went there we went to Galleria Kaufhof and there I saw this:
There are some Star Wars characters and they are built with Lego.
Darth Vader and me
It was really hard to get a pic, because he was turning around all the time
and sometimes he said something,but I forgot it so I can't tell you! ^^;
Darth Vader in small
Yoda and R2-D2
Princess Lea and a Stormtrooper
Chewbaccer and Anakin Skywalker
Ahsoka from Clone Wars
After taking the pics we went to the christmasmarket. I only have this one oicture of it. That's the one next to the Alexa
After looking around we went to the other one next to the Rotes Rathaus!
It was really nice there and we had a lot of fun and ate much! I even got some cotton candy! ♥
That's all about it! ^^
But I got some nice news. I'll visit my sister in Austin/ Texas at christmas. So it'll be the second time.
Her hostfamily asked her if I want to visit them agaion on christmas and that they will pay the flight.
You can say they forced her to ask me!
So I'm her christmaspresent for this year! ^^
I'm really exited about it and a little afraid, because I have to stop at Paris. Uuuh that's kind of scary. xDD
That's it for now! Have a great day today! ^
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