Got up at 05 o'clock in the morning. Take a shower, dress my selfand put some make up on. After all I straightened my hair a bit. Love my hair straightener!
So my mum and I leave home at 06.15 a.m. At time she's getting to work with the car, so she took me till Neukölln SBahn. There I changed into the Ringbahn and drove till Ostkreuz. Some minutes waiting in the cold morning and jumped into the S3 straight to Erkner. Hopp of at Köpenick and changed into the Tram.
Arrived at school at 07.30 a.m.
Have to wait half an hour. By this time I had my breakfast and watched Sailor Moon on my Ipod. I really love this Anime. Then DigitalesDesign starts and we learnd how to creat an animation. After This we had ComputerGrafic with the same teacher. We had Photoshop, like every monday and we had to creat a plakat with a photo of ouerself.
So we got a little break and started with Schrift, Typografie, Kalliegrafie. We had to creat a visiting card. It was a little test. I hope I got it right!
After finnishing this I was going back to the Tram, then into the SBahn => Ostbahnhof, changed into The S9 till Friedrichstr. and had to wait 15 mins. Climbed into the S25 => Hennigsdorf. Jumped there out and went on to the dm store. Had to buy some make up. Also I went to the Sparkasse for some money.
At least I bought the ticket for D=OUT ダウト in april.
Went back home and looked up some things. Phoned really short with my mum, because she had a question about the books for my sister.
She's reading the Twilight-series in english. It's funny to watch her, because she's looking so often into the dictionary. ^^
Friday last week we were in Tegel. I wanted to by the new Dir en Grey DVD"aKnot of". Then we went to Thalia and bought some books. My mum had a gift coupon from her birthday. So she bought some books. ^^
I also bought one. It's called "Ten Fairy Tales" it's in english and had some english Fairytales in it. It's quite good and very brutal, like fairytales always are.
Think have to go now. Have to eat something!
baba <3
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