November 20, 2013

『news』 Some upcoming changes in Wonderland

Like the title says it, I plan on changing a few things. Some kind of total makeover, but not for real. Just in a way I keep blogging more often, because I actually like it. At the moment I'm collecting ideas and I already have a huge list.
When I finally have the time I plan on pimping up the blog's layout plus a few more things.

Since my new obsession is following book blogs and watching a lot of book vlogs on youtube plus I love reading and I finally have a bit more time again, I decided to integrate it into my blogging. That's why I decided that I might start posting reviews of books/ manga I read, and/ or of movies or something similar.
I plan on writing some in German and some in English, since I almost always read books in English nowadays. But since I have a lot of unread German books left and I always read books by German authors only in German I plan on reviewing these only in German and everything else in English.
Not this is going to be all about books from now on, just when I feel like it and have enough time left to write something that extended.

Some kind of fashion and make up related things might come up too. I just love these things and they are just a part of my daily life. ^^ Not that I'm the person who follows strictly the newest fashion trends, but I like it and there was a time I was planning to become a fashion designer. Well this part took off a while ago, but still I really love it, especially asian street fashion. It just inspires me.

As you can see I plan on not only writing personal things anymore. I don't do anything that special/ interesting all the time and I just want to keep this blog alive.
I also think it might be good for me to not always write these super huge and picture heavy entries, but also a few more shorter ones, like some meme or challenges or something plus I think my blog needs some more love from me.

Hope you will stay tuned and will like my little changes. It's not going to be that special and different I think, just a bit more often (hopefully) as in the past.

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