May 07, 2013

『personal』 ÜRIKMÄD vernissage

On 6th April I went with my fiend Lulu to the vernissage of ÜRIKMÄD! It was the opening of a small exhibition of Yurika Yamada at Gallerie & Café Emma T.. Yurika is a friend of Lulu and she asked me to go there with her, because she knows how much I love art. And it was the first thing we did together after she came back from Japan.

We were quite late, because BVG was an ass. It was so annoying. >.>
Nevertheless we arrived there and went in to look at the paintings. They are so beautiful and colorful. I really like them.

A few of my favourites:

Gang Colors
taken from: ÜRIKMÄD homepage

Found the exit
taken from: ÜRIKMÄD homepage

Hide and Seek
taken from: ÜRIKMÄD homepage
The "Hide and Seek" one is my most favourite. It's such a beautiful piece of art. *_____*

Because it was at a Café we were able to sit down and Lulu gave me the presents she brought from Japan. 

all the presents together

Meiji Apollo Strawberry
I never had these before and when I tried the first one I fell in love with it. It's so tasty and it kinda tastes like イチゴ pockys.

イチゴ pockys and つぶつぶイチゴ pockys 
I love イチゴ pockys and I especially love  つぶつぶイチゴ they are just my favourites! ♥♥♥

Phineas and Ferb and Sentimental Circus band aid
I love these band aids sooo much. Sadly I can't use them, because I'm a bit allergic to those band aids. ;__; The Sentimental Circus band aids even have glitter on them. It's sooo cute!!! and I just LOVE Perry the Platypus!

Drgonball cans XD
When she was in Japan the new DBZ movie came into cinemas and everything was full with Dragonball merchandise. I'm so jealous that I couldn't be there at that time. T^T I want a lot more DB merchandise. I need more Vegeta in my life. XD"

Rilakkuma chopsticks
Last but not least the Rilakkuma chopsticks. I love them sooo much. The're so cute!!! I use them every time I eat some asian related dish at home.

Because I squealed with every present I took out of the bag a few girls thought it was cute. XD"" I just couldn't resist, because everything was so awesome and cute and I'm just in love with all the presents I got. 

After a while of looking around, talking to some people and a cupcake we left to go to Lulu's where I unsuccessfully tried to get her really old iPod touch running properly again. the thing is, that it's a 2G or something and that like every app doesn't support such an old device anymore. It's playing music and a few games are running but nothing else. She's really mad about it, because her japanese dictionary isn't running anymore, but it's not possible to fix it and I told her so.
In the end I gave up on explaining it to her. XD"""

It was a nice evening and a it stressful because she didn't want to understand the problem...


Please check out ÜRIKMÄDs links:

=> homepage
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=> flickr
=> soundcloud

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