Ever since Kanzen Music announced that they will host a heidi. EU tour I went crazy about it. They immediately announced a timeframe for April and promised to reveal the exact dates a few weeks later.
When the first date got announced, 20th April in Paris as the final show, I still had high hopes to finally see them live. The only thing that made me frustrated was that they didn't release the other dates, too and that the announced timeframe was exactly the one in which I had to held my final exam presentation.
Two weeks later they revealed the rest of the dates and everything I was hyped about went lost. I was so frustrated to not see Berlin or something near me in the dates and stops. Well we had two stops in Germany, but Cologne and Munich are just too far away to travel when you still have exam time. I wasn't sure what to do...
But since the date in Cologne was scheduled after my presentation I decided to go for it and book my trip and to buy the ticket.
A week after I had booked everything and spend a good amount of money Kanzen Music revealed the last date for the tour. Guess what it was! Right, it was a concert in Berlin on 11th April. I was so angry and frustrated at that moment that I didn't even know if I wanted to go there and what to do with the already booked trip.
Sure I had to see them when they come to Berlin and I wouldn't be alone at that concert. Sometime in March I finally bought my ticket and I was finally super excited again.
Two weeks before the concert my sister decided to get sick, which means I got sick as well. I was feeling horrible and had one of these stupid colds which won't break out just exists somewhere in you. The problems with my circulation came back and I wasn't feeling good at all for a few days.
I was lucky enough that I didn't really had school anymore and that I could rest a bit.
Finally the day came and I had to get my certificate from school. My plan for that day was just to go there, get it and to go home again. ^^ Back home we had breakfast together, all four of us, since my sister was still on sick leave and my parents were off work, because they had planed a long weekend.
After breakfast I spend my time doing my nails and watching a few episodes of Sailor Moon and finally getting dressed.
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my nail design for the concert |
Riki and I decided to meet at her place and I suddenly had to hurry. I mistimed my timing a bit, because I wanted to get dolled up all the way and put on all the make up for the first time in months. Luckily I had already decided what to wear. I decided to do the final touch ups at Riki's and finally went out.
I arrived around 5:30pm at her house. We planed to leave the house around 6:00pm, but as always someone was late in time. XD" Which was our luck... but later to this topic.
Nearly an hour later we finally put on our lashes and were nearly ready to go. Riki still had to throw a few things into her bag and at 6:50pm we finally were on the way to K17.
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my make up for heidi. in Berlin |
Noticed the time? Well we were late. Really late, like in really TOO late. The concert was scheduled for 7:00pm. We arrived ten minutes later and guess what we discovered there. The entrance didn't even started. Not even the VIPs were inside. Which was really confusing.
Around 7:30pm the VIPs were finally allowed inside and we still had to wait outside, which was annoying, because it was getting cold and started to rain. -.-" We had to wait until 8:00pm when the entrance finally started.
From this moment on I wondered why Kanzen Music ever send this mail to everyone that the VIP entrance will start at 6:00pm, the normal entrance at 6:30pm and the concert at 7:00pm.
Like seriously why send a mail when it'll start as it was scheduled like before the mail? The only thing I said was that it just went on as unorganized as it started with the revealing of the dates.
It felt like an eternity until we finally were inside, because there was another band playing that day and the security had to handle two different groups of fans. Nothing was organized at all. The crowd was mixed and we all had to pass the security check and had to show our printed ticket at the entry to get a stamp. We got stamped and went outside again and didn't know where to go. XD We first went to the wrong room, but the girl in front of the door told us were we had to go. She first checked our stamps. ^^
We than arrived in the tiny room on second floor. We reserved the place at the mixer console and I just threw my things on the ground, because I had to go to the toilet. Like in I HAD to go, really bad. XD""" Luckily it wasn't crowded and I could go fast. When I was finished with washing my hands I suddenly heard the intro playing and rushed out, back to my place. Than I had to discover that Kiri was already on the stage and was kind of shocked how few people were there.
I knew it wouldn't be that many, because let's be real no one even knows heidi.? XD But I still was shocked by how few people were there, with everyone complaining about not having a concert in Berlin. But I had to discover that the concert started just thirty minutes after the entrance began and that not everyone was inside when it started.
Even I found that super annoying and frustrating and it showed once again how unorganized Kanzen Music was. Like seriously why start a concert when not everyone is inside. Well, the ticket didn't cost that much, but if you pay for something you should receive exactly that and not less, no matter how much the price was.
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a fan made banner at the back of the stage |
Aside the fact that not everyone was inside I didn't really feel good. I felt better than the days before, but it wasn't really over jet and I realized that I shouldn't move too fast and just stay, leaned back were I was. So that kind of pushed my mood a bit down, but all in all I was so glad to finally see them live.
I know, no one really knows how much I love them, but they are one of my most favourite bands ever. And the concert reminded me why. All the energy, the happiness and the good atmosphere they can reproduce made my little heart melt. I couldn't believe that the four of them were right in front of me. I felt like screaming and crying all at once.
While DIR EN GREY always make me cry from all the feelings heidi. made me laugh so much while the concert. I couldn't stop. Well, I focused on how they performed and what they did on stage, because I wasn't really able to dance, jump or whatsoever, but really just being there made me so happy.
So heidi. is one of these bands who try to introduce themselves in the language of the country in which they are playing. One reason more to smile happily and nearly die of choking on you're pressed laughter. XD "
The cutest was when Yoshihiko tried to tell us that they are heidi. and went "I'm heidi.!" - which made me laugh so much. XD Like seriously NO! YOU ARE NOT heidi.! YOU ARE YO-SHI-HI-KO! XDDD But I tried to accept it as the introduction of the band. XD"
In the end everyone said "Dankeschön" and "Thank you" several times and like always threw a lot of Japanese words between all of it, but it was nice that they tried. ^^
I think I never saw someone pull so many faces on stage like Yoshihiko did. XD It was just so cute and endlessly funny to see that. I was so much in love at that moment. XD"
He also introduced everyone, which kind of got lost, because of the crappy sound in the club, and I was more or less able to see everyone well. ^^
They played a good mix of all their releases but most of them were from the las two albums and the new singles from the upcoming album "Human". I really wished for a few more older songs, because I love old heidi. so endlessly much. ♥︎~
Setlist of the night:
In the end everyone said "Dankeschön" and "Thank you" several times and like always threw a lot of Japanese words between all of it, but it was nice that they tried. ^^
I think I never saw someone pull so many faces on stage like Yoshihiko did. XD It was just so cute and endlessly funny to see that. I was so much in love at that moment. XD"
He also introduced everyone, which kind of got lost, because of the crappy sound in the club, and I was more or less able to see everyone well. ^^
They played a good mix of all their releases but most of them were from the las two albums and the new singles from the upcoming album "Human". I really wished for a few more older songs, because I love old heidi. so endlessly much. ♥︎~
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random heidi. pic I got from ©Riki from left to right: Kohsuke (bass), Yoshihiko (voice), Kiri (drums), Nao (guitar) |
Setlist of the night:
- Ryusei Dive
- Hello!
- Gekkou Showtime
- Little Garden
- Ori
- Another Fish
- Kanata
- Aru hi no Senkoku
- Mugen Loop
- Twilight Town
- Monochrome Gradation
- Landscape
- Sixth Sense
- Urusai
- Omaesan
- Glide en.
- Yokan
- Sentimental
- Utakata
But with the last song of the encore one of my favourite songs was played. *^* OMG! I love Utakata sooo much and I was so happy that they played it. So happy to have something old in the setlist.
Something I liked was how happy and animated all four looked, even with such a small crowd in front of the stage. I also liked that Yoshihiko let us sing some parts of songs. Sometimes it was a little bit of a fail, because nearly no one knew the lyrics. EMBARRASSING! X////D """ But all in all it was so much fun. ^^ Another thing I liked was how some of the fans knew the dances to heidi.'s songs. It was cute to see that. Reminded me of their live DVDs. ^o^
After I got everything I wanted I turned around and was suddenly in crowd full of people. Scary!!! I fought through it and looked for Riki, couldn't find her. XD" She put her jacket back on and was suddenly disguised as one of the others. All in dark or black clothes. XD""" haha, I was looking for something light pink. But nevertheless she found me and asked where I went.
Back at our favourite place I told her what I did and gave her one of the photo sets. I told her that it was true and that the signing session will happen. ^^
We sat down and sorted our things, retouched our make up and chilled a bit until the four came out again and made their way to the place where the signing was held.
We decided not to ran there immediately and just relax a little more. My feet were hurting buy that time, because I decided to were heeled boots. Bad idea, but they matched my outfit perfectly and a princess has to suffer if she wants to look good. ~__~"""
After a while, when the line got shorter, we decided to line up as well. All four were pressed into a small corner around some tables. Looked not that comfortable. They weren't even sitting right. Kohsuke was kind of sitting on the table? I think... not sure about that. XD" Than Yoshihiko was sitting on the bank, Kiri was standing and Nao was standing as well. He didn't even have enough space back there. Could have been a small cuddly round, but well wasn't looking that comfortable.
When we got nearer I pushed Riki in front of me, because I didn't want to go first. I'm always so shy and kinda embarrassed of these things. I don't know how to say it...
When I was in line I totally failed right at the beginning. Kohuske was super nice and welcomed me with a nice "Hi" and I was just staring blankly at him. He again said "Hi" and I finally woke of my blank state and replied with a small "Hi" as well. ===>EMBARRASSING<=== But it didn't looked like if he even cared. XD" We shook hands and he said goodbye with a lovely "See you next time". All I could think and even said was "Yeah, in Cologne", but I think he didn't hear me. As always I was to shy to speak loud enough...
With Yoshihiko everything went well and I was abel to say "Hi" and leave with a small "Arigatou" and my obligatory tiny bow after shaking hands. He was as nice as Kohsuke and still looked like a tiny little fluffy hamster. X///D
Next was a smiling Kiri who happily signed his photo and reached out to shake hands with a smiling "Dankeschön". Which was so hard to not answer in German, but with an "Arigatou", as always. XP
Last one was Nao, who stood in the corner and had no real space on the table, but squeezed his photo onto it to sign it. He as well welcomed me with a "Hi", shook hands and gave back his photo with both hands and a bow saying "Thank you". I immediately reached for it with both hands and realized that I didn't do it with the others. But I think it's okay, just not used to it acting that way, right? That's okay... I think. XD" Well I said "Arigatou" a forth time this night and was suddenly pulled out of line by Riki.
We nealy had to run away from that corner, because we suddenly had to laugh so hard. Not telling you why. XP
First we stood near the corner and watched them sign the stuff from the others and waited for them to leave. When they were finished, they lined up and left through the room again. Waving happily and saying "Goodbye", "See you", "Dankeschön", "Thank you" and "Arigatou" they left the room.
With that we once again went to our concert spot, stored away the photo sets and made our way down the stairs. Which wasn't as easy as expected, because the stairs are so steep.
When we left the building we had to discover that it was raining... again. -.-" We squeezed us under my small umbrella and made our way back to the train station. Luckily it wasn't that far away.
We decided to do a little stop at her house, so she could fetch a few more cloths and other things for the sleep over at my home. ^^ Back at Riki's I was glad to take of my boots. My feet really needed a break. We drank some water and had to go to the toilette again. XD" I was so glad and wondered if I would have ever made it home...
After she got everything we finally left for my home. The first train arrived quite quick, but at Wedding we had to wait nearly ten minutes for the next one. Finally we arrived at Holzhauser Straße and decided to check the timetable for the bus. It was written that the bus would be there in two minutes, but sadly we had to discover that it would be cancelled and we had to wait another five minutes. But that was okay, we just were glad that we didn't have to wait for the next bus, which were announced to arrive in 25 minutes. We could have walked home faster than that. But by the time being I didn't feel like walking. I just wanted to get home, take my boots of, to eat and to finally fall into bed.
We then arrived around 1:20am and put some pizza in the oven. ^^ I was so hungry by the time. .__.
While waiting we tweeted and retweeted concert related tweets and took some final photos. ^^
And while doing it I came across the facebook event for the concert and had to discover that Kanzen Music posted there, that the concert will start later. But since I was on my way to Riki by the time they posted it I didn't saw it in time. Informing the fans around 5:30pm is just a bit too late. >_>
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my stamp I got at the entrance of K17 |
Finally the pizza was ready to eat~ Never felt this happy about something to eat. XD
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my veggie pizza ~ yumyum |
And last but not least everything I got at the heidi. merch:
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tour shirt, signed photo set, Heizo & a leaflet which was handed out by fans before the concert |
We finally went to bed around 3:30am or something like that. Didn't even wacht the latest Sailor Moon episodes, because we were so tired. But it was totally worth it!
ALL THE LOVE FOR heidi.!!! ♥︎♥︎♥︎♥︎