January 07, 2016

『BOUT OF BOOKS 15』 Villain Mash Up

Challenge of the day by Bingeing on Books:

Here are the rules for the challenge:

  • Pick villains from two different books that you would love to see fight each other. It can be from any genre and it doesn't even have to be a physical fight. It could be a verbal one as well.
  • Give a short reason why you think these villains should fight each other
  • You don't have to have a blog to do this challenge. You could tweet it or instagram it or even leave it in the comments. If you do tweet it, don't forget to mention me (@bingeingonbooks) and use the hashtag #villainmashup
  • You must be a Bout of Books participant AND you must do this challenge to be eligible for the giveaway.

Holy crap, this challenge gave me a headache and that's why it's so late up. First I couldn't think of anything at all but decided to go with these two.

Sauron from Lord of the Rings vs. Janan from Incarnate

I call it the interesting battle of trapped souls. To be honest, I can't say how it would end, because I'm still not finished with Infinite, but I think it would be interesting to watch how they try to fight each other while being trapped. But if it comes to a battle where both are being represented by their "armies" I would say Sauron wins it. Who wouldn't be scared of an army full of Orks and Uruk-Hais? But on the other hand it could be the reincarnated humans who have a lot of "new" technology to help...

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