Part I
I decided to celebrate my birthday one day after my actual birthday. Since it was a saturday I knew everyone had off work and mostly time to celebrate with me. ^^
We met around 14:00pm at S Charlottenburg, because I had planned to go to
JStore and do プリクラ I LOVE プリクラ.
♥︎♥︎♥︎ Well, it came other as planed, because Riki was late. She was late, because her train wasn't scheduled as normal and so we decided, or mostly I decided to wait for her. We waited until 14:45pm and while waiting I was allowed to unwrap the first presents. ^o^
From Jetty I got another
Thalia gift card, which made me so endlessly happy. Nothing's better than books and music. XD" And I also got some chocolate bar with caramel inside from the UK. ^^
And I got my beloved イチゴ Pockys from Tay. *^* Gosh, I LOVE these so much and I think everybody knows this by now. XD"
When Riki finally arrived we headed to the JStore. First we looked around a bit and than it was finally time for プリクラ ! ! ! ! !
I hadn't done it in a while and I think it's always so much fun to do it. But it was a bit difficult to fit all four of us in there, because all of us aren't really experienced with it. XD" Well, only I and Riki did some before. So it was a bit of a mess to get all of us in the pictures.
But nevertheless it was fun as hell, especially decorating the puris. ^^ I love that. hehe
Finished with it we left and went back to the train station to get to S Hackischer Markt. I wanted to go there to get some yummy cupcakes.
It was quite a bit of a strange journey there, because the Sbahn suddenly drove onto the siding and we were still inside the train. All of us swear that no one told us beforehand, that the train would end at S Zoologischer Garten. We than had to wait five minutes to get back to the platform and change trains.
A bit later as expected we arrived at Hackischer Markt and made our way to Café Grünohr. It's a cafe based on the Katjes Grünohr gummis and it serves selfmade cupcakes.
We ordered our cupcakes and drinks and had a yummy cupcake party. ^^
After that I unwrapped the last presents and we cut the puris, so everyone can some of each sheet. ^^
I got Devil from a foreign Land Vol. 1 & 2 by Kaori Yuki. ^o^ Sooo happy about that, because I wanted to read that. ^^
We left quite a mess at the table. XD
Now onto some awesome pictures of the cafe all made by Riki:
the outside of the cafe |
the counter with various cupcakes |
It's always so hard to decide, because all of them look so yummy.
Everywhere cute and inspiring pictures and deco mirrors on the walls. ^^
The interior and the candy bar where you can buy different sorts of Katjes I ♥︎ Veggie gummis.
Some more tables and places to sit down. It's a very small cafe and mostly lives from the takeaway service. But it still has such a nice ambient and a gute interior. Everything is held in lime green and a soft pink with a touch of retro. Especially the pictures have a touch of retro to them.
I like that the cupcakes are selfmade and they even offer a wide range of beverages. A lot of juices and limo plus the typical things like coffee or tea.
I love the concept of selfmade cupcakes for takeaway and the chance to even sit down inside. It's small and cozy, but you should definitively check it out.
And lastly some derpy pictures of me and Riki. XDDD
We spend quite a while there and just chatted around loudly as always. XD The ladies are never calm, always giggling around. XD
When I got hungry again I decided it was time for the final stop and to get something real to eat. We hadn't to walk that far, because I decided we should go to eat mini pizza or even regular sized pizza. XD" It's a small pizzeria which offers a wide range of different dishes. Most of us went for mini pizza, which is by the way one of the most awesome pizzas ever. We decided to stay there to eat our dinner. And again we talked a lot and enjoyed our food. ^^
When we finally where finished we decided to take a walk to accompany Tay and Riki to the right tram. In the End me and Jetty walked back again to go home as well. ^^
I have to say I had two wonderful and fun birthday days and that I was a great idea from me to go take ぷりくら. XD"