December 08, 2017
December 06, 2017
December 02, 2017
『blogmas』『BOOK TAG』Tis the Season
Originally created by RichardMediaGeek on Youtube
1. Do you have a favorite Winter read?
I don't have a favourite read for any season. I just read what ever I want when ever I feel like it.
I choose books based on my mood not on any events, holidays or seasons.
December 01, 2017
『blogmas』『MOVIE EVENT』2017 / 10 / 12 ~ WE ARE X & YOSHIKI Q&A
12th October was the day of the screening. For me it was a rather long day. Had to get up early, went to work (luckily uni hadn't started yet), headed home to get something to eat and freshen up a bit. Afterwards I hurried to the cinema. Luckily it's only about a 15 minutes walk to the IMAX at Potsdamer Platz, where the screening took place.
October 20, 2017
August 22, 2017
『JULY BOOK HAUL』More new books for my overly full shleves~
Another month another book haul.
I don't know how I did it, but somehow I acquired nine printed books, six e-books and three audiobooks during July.
For August I want to try to not buy books, except I already pre-ordered them. I hope I can do this. The only thing I'm allowed to buy, except pre-orders are the next volumes in a Manga series, but only when they get released in the month, so no already released volumes, even though I don't own them yet.
Keep reading if you're interested in what I got in July.
August 21, 2017
August 08, 2017
July 29, 2017
July 05, 2017
『JUNE BOOK HAUL + JULY TBR』Not that much as last month~

Another month passed and I'm still in my blogging slump. >.< Lately I'm using Instagram for my "blogging activities", but I hope as soon as this semester is over that I'll be back to blogging.
I have way too many thoughts on books, which I want to share.
As for that, I have a few reviews planned and I still want to get my book fair experience on here.
But so long I have another book haul. ~
June 06, 2017
『MAY BOOK HAUL』Where did all the books come from?
I was long gone, because I just didn't feel like posting. There is just so much to do for Uni this semester I don't even know how that happened. x_x
Nonetheless, I want to pick up blogging again and I though I'll show you all the books I acquired in May. So, May was my birthday month and I treated myself to some nice new books and also had some gift cards to spend.
Also I have a lot more planed and I'll definitely post about the book fair back in March. ~
June 05, 2017
I'm proud to reveal the cover for the upcoming horror novel "ULTIMATE SACRIFICE" by S. E. Green. Thanks to Oftomes Publishing for this opportunity.
TITLE: Ultimate Sacrifice
AUTHOR: S. E. Green
RELEASE DATE: October 10th, 2017
GOODREADS: Ultimate Sacrifice, S. E. Green
May 03, 2017
March 20, 2017
『Buchvorstellung/ book review German』Shimotsuma Monogatrai – Kamikaze Girls
This is kind of a review, but it's only in German since I thought I post the writing project I did for school some years ago. I was writing a book review about one of my most favourite books. I just copied and pasted it into here and tried to section it in my usual way. I plan to do a whole new review on this in English someday when I re-read it for the millionth time. <3
Dies hier ist eher eine Buchvorstellung, als eine richtige Rezension und sie ist auch nur in Deutsch, obwohl es keine deutsche Übersetzung des Buches gibt. Diese Buchvorstellung war mal ein Teil meines "Kreativen Schreiben"-Kurses in der Schule und ich dachte ich teile es mal hier. Dazu ist es auch noch eins meiner absoluten Lieblingsbücher. Ich plane irgendwann mal, nach dem tausendsten Re-Read eine englische Rezension zu verfassen, aber das kann noch ein Weilchen dauern. <3
January 30, 2017
『Lolita Wardrobe』Main Pieces and a bit more
Today I have my Lolita wardrobe for you. Thought I do it as well. It's kind of a tradition in the Lolita Community to do it every January. Plus you get an overview of all your things you accumulated and can track how your style changed.
I also noticed that I own more Lolita clothes than I thought and I took me quite a while to take photos of all of them. Even though I know that I don't own as much as some other Lolitas do. How do they fit all of the clothes into their closet? I really don't know. XD" Also I'm only showing my main pieces, or what I see as a main piece. No head accessories or jewellery. I'm way too lazy to dig trough all of that. Also my jewellery is not exclusive Lolita, I wear it whenever I feel like it. I like to have a matching and planed through outfit to wear, even for "normal" days.
January 21, 2017
『book haul』Too many books in one month!
Remember when I said in my resolutions to by less books. Well I was such a nasty girl and already broke that resolution. I acquired a total of 18 books this month. I don't even know how I did that. Most of them are a collectable buy. This haul includes 3 graphic novels, 1 artbook, 1 notebook/ journal and 4 mangas. If you want to find out which books I got keep reading.
January 14, 2017
『books + movie + tv show』Unpopular Opinion Shadowhunters Edition
At the beginning of January the 2nd season of the Shadowhunters tv show premiered and like for season one I'm mostly live watching it via a stream and live tweeting my first impressions and opinions. Everything is just my opinion and might offend others, but it's just how I feel about the show in that particular moment. If you like to join me on that feel free to follow me on twitter.
Since the start of the 2nd season The Shadowhunter Wold got a bit more popular again and you can find a lot of people talking about it.
I thought I share a few of my unpopular and personal opinions on the whole world. It's such a huge world with so many different things in it and a lot of books, a movie and the tv show. So, let's find out what I have to share with you (in no particular order).
WARNING: May contain spoilers. Will mark them in the beginning like this => (Spoiler)
January 10, 2017
January 08, 2017
『2016/12/23 - 2016/12/26』My Christmas Days & Christmas Gifts
I'm going to talk about my Christmas time of 2016 which the whole family spend in Poland as a special event. Be aware that it's a bit photo heavy.
How did you spend your Christmas Days? Did you have a lovely time?
How did you spend your Christmas Days? Did you have a lovely time?
January 04, 2017
『Top 5 Wednesday』2017 Goals
Since I already have post about my 2017 resolutions and blogging resolutions I thought I make this about my reading goals and bookish goals for this year.
Let's see what I plan to do to keep my reading flowing and hopefully not to get back into that horrible mood called reading slump.
January 02, 2017
January 01, 2017
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