October 08, 2016

『31 Days of Blogtober』 30 Bookish Facts About Me

Today I tell you 30 bookish facts about me. I always loved to read and it's still a huge part of me. ~

  1. My favourite genre to read is fantasy, no matter if high fantasy, urban fantasy or what else. As long as it is fantasy I read it.
  2. I prefere printed books over ebooks.
  3. Even though I buy a lot of books online, I love to go book shopping in a physical store.
  4. I like to marathon series.
  5. I always travel with at least one physical book and my kindle.
  6. I always carry a book or my kindle in my handbag.
  7. I have one bookshelf dedicated to books in German and two for all my books in English.
  8. I like to collect travel guides.
  9. I buy books by German authors only in German and books by English speaking authors in English. If the author originally writes in another language I can't speak I usually buy the German translation.
  10. I mostly listen to audiobooks when I'm cleaning, colouring or sketching. 
  11. I mostly own paperbacks.
  12. I like my book covers to match.
  13. I have to read everything set in a world, no matter how many different series or novellas are set in it.
  14. I read all seven Harry Potter books in German and in English. The same applies to the The Lord of the Rings trilogy. 
  15. Most of the time I can't stand the main characters and fall in love with the side characters.
  16. I mostly get disappointed by movie or series adaptations.
  17. I tend to point out every change in an adaptation, no matter how small it is.
  18. I laugh out loud or start crying while reading a book in public.
  19. I always take off the dust jacket from hardcovers before reading.
  20. I always have something to snack on while reading at home.
  21. My favourite reading spot is in bed or in the sun in summers.
  22. I always liked to read, even as a child.
  23. As a child I used to be obsessed with the Goosebumps series and books about horses.
  24. I like to collect books about things that I'm interested in, like artbooks, books about animals, different countries or minerals.
  25. If I'm in love with a book, a series or a character everyone will know it and I'll annoy them until they read the book/ series.  
  26. I never spoil a plot, even when you ask me to.
  27. I ask several times a day where you're at in a book when I loved that one.
  28. I read the seventh Harry Potter book, in English when it was published, in roughly two and a half days, with only breaks for meals or a bit of sleep.
  29. I still own my favourite children books.
  30. I always listen to music while reading.

Bonus no.1: I was able to listen to an audiobook and read a different book at the same time and still knowing what the plot was of both stories, when I was younger. (Please don't ask me how I managed to do that!)

Bonus no.2: My favourite book at the moment is Shimotsuma Monogatari (Kamikaze Girls) by Novala Takemoto. 

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